ButlerWood specializes in servicing restaurants nationwide with premium cooking wood. Currently, ButlerWood provides wood to over 300 restaurants nationwide. We provide full service so you do not have to worry about ordering wood or tracking when you may run out. We will get contact info of the necessary person in charge (GM, pitmaster, chef, etc). We will then email you periodically to check on wood inventory levels. Using that information, we will calculate a "burn rate" (i.e. usage rate) which will determine when your location will need its next delivery. You are then automatically placed on our schedule. Inhouse trucking and logistics means we can arrange delivery of logs or split restaurant-grade cooking wood to your restaurant quickly and easily. Let us help you get the perfect firewood for your restaurant and make cooking that much easier!

Post Oak cookwood is one amongst the foremost extensively used hardwoods, and any cook looking for a kiln-dried wood expertise should consider it. Oak offers a fragile smokey taste to any dish while not being too powerful or overwhelming, and is an appropriate choice for red meat, pork, chicken, and vegetables of all kinds.

Mesquite cookwood, the barbeque and open flame grilling, is the main event of Texas. This wood has an abundance of flavor, in addition to a whole lot of warm and long-lasting coaling qualities. It is used for open flame grilling and is fantastic for steak as well as red meat brisket, pork shoulder, and turkey.

Our smoked Hickory cookwood chunk pieces have been praised by chefs for their distinctive crackling and strong flavor. Cooking Hickory quickly develops a strong smoke aroma, which is why chefs often combine it with lighter cooking woods to achieve a more even and balanced taste.

Cherry wood cookwood is a popular wood for grilling and smoking because it imparts a delicious aroma and a sweet flavor. Cherry pairs nicely with almost anything, making it an excellent fruit wood for any occasion.

When it involves grilling, no wood has proven to be more reliable than Pecan cookwood over time. This wood has a smokey taste that is close to hickory without the overbearing, effective taste. It is good for ribs and chicken.

Apple wood cookwood is excellent for smoking meats, and it gives your food a delicate flavor that can be enhanced the longer you cook it over the fire or adding additional tasty ingredients to your meal. One of the most frequent uses for applewood is roasting and barbecuing meat, it's also great for complementing vegetable-based dishes and even certain smoke-infused sweets.
Texas Based Restaurants
We are the leading supplier of cooking wood to restaurants located in Texas. We bring wood in our metal ButlerWood racks pre-filled with wood, and pick up any empty racks at your location. Our wood racks contain 34 cubic feet of wood and are delivered straight to your back dock. Depending on your location and wood usage, we will either deliver the wood on a semi truck with a ride-along forklift or our local delivery box truck.
We provide full service so you do not have to worry about ordering wood or tracking when you may run out. We will get contact info of the necessary person in charge (GM, pitmaster, chef, etc). We will then email you periodically to check on wood inventory levels. Using that information, we will calculate a "burn rate" (i.e. usage rate) which will determine when your location will need its next delivery. You are then automatically placed on our schedule.
OUT OF STATES Restaurants
ButlerWood is proud to offer cooking wood to restaurants in any location in the United States and in any quantity. If you are a restaurant wanting less than 10 pallets of cooking wood, we suggest that you use our website for placing your order. You can add items to the cart and get a shipping quote during the checkout process.
All cookwood boxes are delivered via UPS parcel service and all cookwood pallets are delivered using a third party LTL (less than truckload) freight delivery service. The LTL freight typically arrives within 5 business days and they will call you to schedule your delivery. LTL freight is delivered in semi trucks or box trucks with a lift gate and pallet jack. They will place the wood in accessible locations as long as it is outside and on concrete.
You can also contact us and request to be put on our delivery schedule. Once we have enough customers in your area to split a full truckload, we will schedule the delivery.
OUT OF STATES Restaurants
Full truckloads of wood is the cheapest way to get cooking wood delivered. We are proud to offer ButlerWood cooking wood to all restaurants within the United States. We offer pallets of cooking wood to our out of state restaurants. A full truck load is 26-28 half cord pallets which equates to 13-14 cords. We consider a cord to be 128 cubic ft. Each pallet is 1/2 cord or 64 cubic ft. The wood is straight stacked on a 40"x48" pallet and stacked 58" tall. You may chose the wood type you want and you can even mix and match as long as the total order is 26 pallets. You can also choose if you want the wood to be 16" or 18" long.
ButlerWood is experienced in supplying large restaurants with multiple locations.We run our own fleet of semi trucks and control the logistics of distribution. It is also possible we can deliver you a partial truck load if your location is located along an existing delivery route. Contact us for custom pricing!
We precisely calculate your restaurant's burn rate and automatically arrange delivery in advance without the need to call to order. As commercial firewood suppliers, we ensure consistent wood products across all locations. Customers wanting full truck loads are eligible for discounted bulk pricing up to 40% from pricing published on the website. Please contact us for a custom quote.